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Auto Loot Hack Rf Online Item

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well, this is mainly for high rate private servers since its kinda useless on low rate
ever get ****** farming cuz all these booty and item drop and u don't have time to loot all? just remove the booty so its easier to click the equipment! :O
pbing w/ random ppl and never get elem? INCREASE UR CHANCES!
remove the annoying gems so its easier to loot!
go RF folder-->Item-->model item-->meshDownload
go find the files u don't want to loot and just move sumwhere else! :P u can delete but u mite want it bak later hahaha
pretty much self explanatory abt which files does what. CORA_ARMOR_SHOES_255.BBX, hmmm i wonder wut that file is for?
well, its the cora shoes.
remove both the .bbx and .msh for item u don't want to see
for pbs
i removed COM_ETC_GEM_255.msh/bbx and other ****, leaving the cora ring and necklace (im cora)
btw, this is only to remove the visual picture of the item, making it easy to target to loot by clicking
this means that u cannot click and pick up **** that u removed, lets say u remove the booty msh and bbx, if u see a Rian on the floor, u can't pick it by clicking, however, u can still use 'x' and space bar to pick those

Auto Loot Rf Online

well, i haven't read any thread abt doing this, i just figured to do this myself cuz i wanted to farm more efficiently

Auto Loot Hack Rf Online Item
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